Monday, February 18, 2013

2nd Quarter Slideshow

The Work of Jerry Uelsmann

I really admire and enjoy just looking at Jerry Uelsmann work, he is so creative using multiple photos in one complete photo. I especially like the pictures with a pair of hands that are holding something like the one above.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

First Quarter Photos

 This is a photo of a glass skull that I took like a million pictures of and really liked this angle and then did some serious touching up to the brights and darks.
Also a glass piece that I found in my house that I thought would look very cool if I could get the right angle which I think I did. This is a picture of the stem of a glass pumpkin. Then I touched it on the very basic google plus program.
This is a close up of my dog. I thought it was kinda cute and I really liked it.