Thursday, June 13, 2013

This is my Photo Emulation of Steven Smith and my own work. Some problems I had were that I was hard to get that extra brightness from the sun out of my picture without getting rid of a lot of brightness in the photo altogether.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


This is my stop animation movie. The story is that the cd is moving itself to player and putting itself in. Some problems we had were that we couldn't get music to play over and the quality is not great.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Daguerreotype and Tilt Shift

This is my Daguerreotype, I took this at Tanner Springs I thought its was a pretty cool photo because I put the camera on the rock and got a good photo of the brush and water.

This is my Tilt Shift photo, it was taken at Lincoln High school it didn't turn out quite as I hoped but I think its an interesting photo, with some colors that really pop out at you.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Panorama, HDR and Multiple Exposure Photos

This is a photo of my backyard it is about a 180 degree view. I thought it is quite interesting and really gives you a feel that you are there and what you would see in my backyard, all in one photo.

This is my HDR photo. I had a lot of trouble with this photo because people were running around the track and moving around on the field so it sort of has a ghost like feel to it but personally I think that it turned out better because of the ghost feeling it gives.

This photo is of my Multiple exposure photo. It is of my friend who I had move his hands up more and more each photo so it looks like he is doing a complete circle with his arms. It took a while to get the right photos and I am still not pleased with how it turned out because I wanted to keep his head still but it just didn't work out like that.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Car Magazine

I really like how the words seem to be in the distance and it really focuses on the car.

Monday, February 18, 2013

2nd Quarter Slideshow

The Work of Jerry Uelsmann

I really admire and enjoy just looking at Jerry Uelsmann work, he is so creative using multiple photos in one complete photo. I especially like the pictures with a pair of hands that are holding something like the one above.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

First Quarter Photos

 This is a photo of a glass skull that I took like a million pictures of and really liked this angle and then did some serious touching up to the brights and darks.
Also a glass piece that I found in my house that I thought would look very cool if I could get the right angle which I think I did. This is a picture of the stem of a glass pumpkin. Then I touched it on the very basic google plus program.
This is a close up of my dog. I thought it was kinda cute and I really liked it.